Why Work With An Agile Consultant?

Why Work With An Agile Consultant?

Why Work With An Agile Consultant

So you’ve decided to transition your company to an Agile framework. Congratulations! You’ve taken the first step towards a more streamlined, efficient way of working that will ultimately lead to better results for your business, regardless of whether you’re in software development or a different kind of industry.

But now comes the hard part: making the transition.

The move to Agile can be fraught with challenges, and even the most well-intentioned project manager can find themselves struggling to make the switch. That’s where an Agile consultant comes in.

An Agile consultant is a trained professional who specializes in helping businesses move to an Agile way of working. They can provide invaluable guidance and support throughout the process of increasing business agility, ensuring that your team makes a smooth and successful transition.

In this blog post, we’ll explore some challenges you may face when transitioning to Agile and how an Agile consultant can help you overcome them.

Agile transformation challenges

If you stop to imagine the vastness of your organization, all of its processes and procedures, and the number of people who will be affected by the transition to Agile, it’s no wonder that so many managers find the prospect daunting.

The 2021 State Of Agile report identified the following five challenges as the most common ones faced by organizations during an Agile transformation:

Inconsistent processes and practices across teams

46% of respondents said that their organization’s biggest challenge was inconsistent processes and practices across teams.

What does this mean?

Essentially, it means that different teams within the organization are working in different ways, even those from the same department. This is fine when everyone is working independently, but as soon as multiple teams need to start collaborating, it becomes a problem.

Inconsistent processes and practices make it difficult for any team member to understand other workflows, which can lead to frustration and confusion. It also makes it more difficult to identify and implement best practices across the organization.

The result is a significant delay in getting work done and a decrease in the overall quality of the work and customer satisfaction.

Misalignment of organizational culture and Agile values

You might have heard about this one already. In order to successfully transition to Agile, it is essential that your organization’s culture is aligned with the values of Agile.

If there is a misalignment, it can lead to resistance from team members who are unwilling to change how they work. Some employees, managers, and even executives may see the Agile method as a threat to the status quo and their own position within the organization.

In order for the Agile transition to be successful, it is essential that everyone is on board and committed to making the change. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself fighting an uphill battle.

However, it should be noted that this doesn’t seem to be as big of a problem as it was in the past. In fact, the 2021 State Of Agile report found that only 4 in 10 organizations list the misalignment of organizational culture and Agile values as their biggest challenge. In previous years, this number was 8 in 10.

General resistance to change

Adding on to the point above, you may find that there is a general resistance to change within your organization. This can come from all levels, from entry-level employees to senior management.

This is often because people are creatures of habit and don’t like change, even if it is for the better. Change can be scary, especially if you’re unsure what to expect.

Additionally, some people may feel like they are being forced to change the way they work, which can lead to resentment. If not managed properly, this resistance can quickly become a full-blown crisis.

Lack of skills or experience with Agile methods

42% of respondents said their organization’s biggest challenge was a lack of skills or experience with Agile project management.

This is not surprising because Agile is a relatively new way of working. Many organizations are still getting used to the idea of an Agile methodology, let alone implementing them.

This lack of experience can lead to a number of problems, such as a lack of understanding of how Agile methods work and how they can be applied to real-world situations. Additionally, it can make it difficult to identify and fix problems when they arise.

Not enough leadership participation

Finally, our experience suggests that an organization cannot hope to successfully transition to the Agile practice without the full participation of its leaders.

Leadership buy-in is essential for many reasons, including setting the tone for the organization, providing guidance and direction, and making decisions about resources and budgets.

Additionally, leaders need to be involved in order to help their teams through the transition. This includes providing support, answering questions, and addressing concerns.

While it is possible to adopt the Agile mindset without the full participation of leadership, it is much more difficult. We recommend that you involve your leaders from the very beginning to increase the chances of success.

How an agile consultant can help

Now that we’ve discussed some of the challenges you may face when transitioning to Agile, you might be wondering how Agile consulting can help.

Let’s break it down according to the challenges we discussed above.

Aligning organizational culture and values

One of the first things an agile consultancy will do is assess your organization’s culture and values. They will then work with you to create a plan for aligning your culture with the Agile principle.

This may include talking to employees, managers, and leaders about what it means to work in an Agile environment. The consultant will thoroughly explain the concept of Agile and how it can benefit both the organization and its employees.

Additionally, the consultancy will help you create policies and procedures that support an Agile culture. This may include things like flexible work hours, remote working, and continuous improvement and feedback.

Promoting change

An Agile consultancy can help you overcome resistance to change by creating a plan for change management. This may include training employees on how to manage change, setting up support groups, and providing resources.

Additionally, the consultancy will work with you to create a communication plan. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and knows what to expect during the transition. Keeping everyone in the loop on what’s happening will help reduce anxiety and promote a smooth transition.

Finally, the Agile consultant will help you identify any communication or employee-related potential problems that could arise during the transition and implement measures to prevent them.

Providing the necessary training

An Agile consultancy can help you overcome a lack of skill and/or experience with Agile methods by providing training and resources. After all, Agile consultants are experts in Agile methodologies and have plenty of experience working with organizations during their transition.

They will work with you to create a customized training plan that covers the basics of Agile methods. Additionally, they will provide resources that you can use to learn more about Agile and how to apply it to your organization. They might even recommend an Agile coach you could hire for long-term education.

The agile consultancy can provide support during the implementation process. They will be there to answer any questions and help you troubleshoot any problems that may arise.

Empowering leaders

As we mentioned above, one of the biggest challenges you may face when transitioning to Agile is a lack of leadership participation.

An agile consultancy can help you overcome this challenge by working with you to create a plan involving leaders in the transition. Leaders in your organization need to understand what Agile is and how it can benefit the organization. Only by involving them from the beginning will they be able to provide the guidance their newly Agile team structure needs.

Is hiring an Agile consultancy the right choice for you?

The decision of whether or not to hire an Agile consultancy is a difficult one.

You could attempt to transition to Agile on your own. However, this could be an overwhelming task, especially if you don’t have much experience with Agile concepts. If you think you could face any of the challenges we’ve discussed above, then hiring an Agile consultancy may be the best choice.

When considering an Agile consultancy, it’s important to choose one that has experience working with organizations of your size and in your industry. Additionally, you’ll want to make sure that the consultancy you choose is a good fit for your organization’s culture.

Take your time and do your research to ensure that you find the right consultancy for your organization. That way, you won’t have to worry about whether or not the transition will be successful.


Investing in an Agile transformation comes with a lot of challenges. But by working with an Agile consultant, you can overcome these challenges and ensure a successful transition.

An Agile consultant will help you to create a plan for change, provide training and resources, and involve leaders in the transition. By taking these steps, you can be sure that your organization is prepared for the transition to Agile.

If you’re interested in learning more about how an Agile consultant can help your organization, contact us today. We’ll be happy to answer any of your questions.