Digital Guardian

No-Compromise Technology Augmented by Deep Data Protection Expertise

The Only Cloud-Delivered DLP Platform

Today’s most successful enterprises are instrumenting and digitizing virtually every aspect of their business. This change is dramatically increasing the value and volume of sensitive data that must be protected. 

Enterprise data loss prevention (DLP) is a time-tested solution that ensures your organization’s most sensitive data is properly protected. However, the rapid release schedules and accelerating changes in operating systems, applications, and browsers can cause many traditional enterprise DLP solutions to be woefully inefficient. Organizations using software from DLP providers who aren’t keeping up are spending too much time, effort and budget troubleshooting, and not enough time delivering meaningful data protection. New entrants are touting “DLP-lite” as a solution to the inefficiencies of traditional enterprise DLP, though they often gloss over the big compromises inherent in “DLP-lite”. With lite- or no-agent architectures and no endpoint controls, what you gain from an “easy install” and lite-agent, you lose in increased risk of data leakage and loss.

You need a better way to protect the data that matters most to your organization without the inefficiencies of traditional enterprise DLP or the data protection compromises of “DLP-lite.”

No-Compromise Technology Augmented by Deep Data Protection Expertise

Migrate to New Enterprise Security Solutions the Right Way