FREE WEBINAR: How to Improve Your DevOps Approach with Flow Engineering
You are aiming for value delivery, but do you know what is most affecting your Dev and Ops workflow, right now? Spoiler: It’s not that you’re missing a tool. You need visibility into what is slowing you down before you can automate your way through it. In this free webinar, industry experts Charles Maddox of The i4 Group and Emilio Osorio of Sistemas Humanos discuss the essentials of visualizing your current workflow in order to know where and how to invest using the Visible Value Delivery System. You’ll get a clear picture of your unique value stream flow, top risks, gaps and opportunities and guidance towards your ideal future state. Ignore the unicorns, best practices and benchmarks. Let us help you improve from where you are right now. Your team can deliver faster, happier, and with less friction.
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